حول Aya Al haj:
Motivated computer engineering student with a passion for machine learning and robotics is seeking for an internship where can apply my strong problem solving and teamwork skills to meet the client's needs.
NASA Project, 2022
Joined the American University of Beirut team in SEE smackdown 2022
under the supervision of Dr. joseph Rahme. The aim of the project is to
develop technical components using Java and HLA. The components
are then integrated with other teams' components to create a global
simulation hosted by a server in the United States.
Introducing high school students to coding, 2022
Teaching students from Omar Farrokh the basics of coding using
Tutoring, 2021-2022
Tutoring python course for university students.
Instrumentation, Spring 2022
Working with a team on a project to enhance the safety of bicycles. We
want to install sensors that will help the rider to give signs when turning
right, left or braking. Alarm the rider if cars are approaching and light
up LEDs in darkness.
Networking, Spring 2022
Participating with a team to develop reliable peer-to-peer UDP chat
tested under an unreliable channel.
Machine Learning, Fall 2021
Collaborated with a team in a project to transform Arabic sign
language gesture to letters using different machine learning models.
We achieved a very good accuracy.
American University of Beirut
From 2020 to 2023
Bachelor’s in computer and Communication Engineering
Track in Artificial Intelligence
GPA: 3.29/4