beBee background
Deir Baba
taher Mohtar

taher Mohtar

Biology, Physics, and Mathematics Teacher

التعليم والتدريب

Deir Baba, محافظة جبل لبنان


الخدمات المعروضة

As a highly qualified biology teacher having entry-level skills in quality control, I express my sincere motivation and enthusiasm to develop my skills in this field at an esteemed institution. 

معدل تقريبي: $10 لكل ساعة


Mathemtics & Physics Teacher, Ghadi Cultural School (GCS)                                 2018 – 2021 

  • Experience blended learning for all classes in all science subjects.
  • Prepare lesson plans and worksheets based on school curriculum.
  • Apply pedagogical learning theories and attend to some of the students’ psychological needs to favor a healthy learning environment.
  • Integrate digital learning objects (videos and simulations) to enhance the learning process that showed a positive influence on the academic standing of many students in science.
  • Implement formative and summative assessment throughout the academic year to track students’ progress, provide individualized feedback, and evaluate the students’ educational achievement.
  • Collaborate with other science teachers to create cross-curricular activities and promote interdisciplinary learning.

Quality Control, Beesline Company                                                                      2016 – 2017                                                       

  • Prepare and perform experiments on the quality of products.
  • Conduct quality control inspections of cosmetics products and prepare reports on production conditions, defects, and potential risk.
  • Monitor the quality and the manufacturing process of the cosmetics products. 
  • Ensure compliance with quality control standards.
  • Provide training on quality assurance procedures and company policies for two working quality controllers.

Tutoring Science Subjects from grade 7 to 9, New Tutoring Center (NTC)              2013 – 2014 

  • Attend to differential teaching/learning strategies.
  • Facilitate learning in a fun and interactive manner for fast delivering the content. 
  • Mark and correct students’ homework and involve the teachers and parents in the process of evaluation.
  • Identify the needs of learners and their weakness points and deal with them. 
  • Target students’ misconceptions.

Support students with resources to help them understand the content. 


Mathemtics & Physics Teacher, Ghadi Cultural School (GCS)                                 2018 – 2021 

  • Experience blended learning for all classes in all science subjects.
  • Prepare lesson plans and worksheets based on school curriculum.
  • Apply pedagogical learning theories and attend to some of the students’ psychological needs to favor a healthy learning environment.
  • Integrate digital learning objects (videos and simulations) to enhance the learning process that showed a positive influence on the academic standing of many students in science.
  • Implement formative and summative assessment throughout the academic year to track students’ progress, provide individualized feedback, and evaluate the students’ educational achievement.
  • Collaborate with other science teachers to create cross-curricular activities and promote interdisciplinary learning.

Quality Control, Beesline Company                                                                      2016 – 2017                                                       

  • Prepare and perform experiments on the quality of products.
  • Conduct quality control inspections of cosmetics products and prepare reports on production conditions, defects, and potential risk.
  • Monitor the quality and the manufacturing process of the cosmetics products. 
  • Ensure compliance with quality control standards.
  • Provide training on quality assurance procedures and company policies for two working quality controllers.

Tutoring Science Subjects from grade 7 to 9, New Tutoring Center (NTC)              2013 – 2014 

  • Attend to differential teaching/learning strategies.
  • Facilitate learning in a fun and interactive manner for fast delivering the content. 
  • Mark and correct students’ homework and involve the teachers and parents in the process of evaluation.
  • Identify the needs of learners and their weakness points and deal with them. 
  • Target students’ misconceptions.

Support students with resources to help them understand the content. 

المحترفون الذين يقدمون خدمات مماثلة لتلك الخاصة بـ taher Mohtar

محترفون من نفس قطاع التعليم والتدريب مثل taher Mohtar

المحترفون الذين يقدمون خدمات متخصصو التعليم عن بعد

المحترفون الذين يقدمون خدمات التعليم الأساسي للكبار

محترفون من قطاعات مختلفة بالقرب من Deir Baba, محافظة جبل لبنان

المستخدمون الآخرون الذين يطلق عليهم taher