حول joanna hoyek:
hello, i am a graduated chemical engineer.
Dedicated, hardworking fresh graduated engineer. Always willing to learn new things quickly and to work wisely to make a change and leave a positive impact.
- SuperMarket cashier fiveyears’ experience
- Central Oil Labaratory Dawra lebanon Lab assistant | June 2018 :Testing petroleum products(Jet fuel,LPG,Gasoline…) according to ASTM,ISO&IP protocols
- Lebanon Water Establishment of beirut and Mount Lebanon
Lab assistant | January -February 2020 :Performing chemical tests on water sample
- Private Tutoring 4 years’ experience :Mathematics, physics, chemistry for all levels.
BE| Chemical Engineering :Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - USEK | Lebanon | 2015 -2020
Usaid attestation for testing cholera in water samples