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Mazen Kotob

Mazen Kotob

Chemistry Teacher

التعليم والتدريب

Sidon, قضاء صيدا


حول Mazen Kotob:

I am Mazen Kotob, chemistry teacher at prominent institution in Lebanon. I have 25 years of experience in teaching chemistry at all levels. I graduated from American University of Beirut with a bachelor degree in chemistry. I completed my teaching diploma to start my teaching career. During my work I applied to a master degree in education specialized in teaching science at AUB and I graduated with distinction. I am an expert in teaching chemistry and I am well known tutor in my community. I am passionate about teaching and specifically chemistry. Helping my students reaching successful results in their studies is a project that should be well planned. I am constructivist, I believe students should be taught the way they feel comfortable and suits their needs. Tutoring is all about differentiation, every student is a unique case that should be tackled with maximum care. The follow up is more important then the teaching itself. Most of my students showed excellent results in their quizzes, tests, exams and projects. If you choose me as your tutor you will love the subject and the whole process of learning.


I have 25 years of experience in teaching chemistry at all levels.


I graduated from American University of Beirut with a bachelor degree in chemistry. I completed my teaching diploma to start my teaching career. During my work I applied to a master degree in education specialized in teaching science at AUB and I graduated with distinction.

محترفون من نفس قطاع التعليم والتدريب مثل Mazen Kotob

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المستخدمون الآخرون الذين يطلق عليهم Mazen
